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Ray's Arithmetic
    Part of the Eclectic Education Series

Ray's Arithmetic
only $59

  • A Complete K-12 math curriculum, from counting to calculus.
    The Ray's Arithmetic begins at a preliterate level with counting; then takes the child through addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and so upward until calculus, teaching concepts with thorough explanations followed by ample problem sets. The Ray's series provides a very full-bodied course of mathematics.

  • The Ray's CD is a complete collection of the Ray's Arithmetic textbooks.
    The Ray's series includes a total of 38 books. These include the 12 core Textbooks, + Answer Key's, Teachers Editions, and several intriguing books of mathematical pursuits for the aspiring student, such as Surveying and Navigation, Astronomy, Book Keeping, and Physics. Click here to view a list of the entire collection of Rays' Arithmetic provided on the CD.

    Ray's CD

  •  “What makes the Ray's Arithmetic a good math curriculum, and why is it a good choice for my children?”

The Ray's Arithmetic is a unique math series in many ways. The first thing people often notice when looking at a Ray's math book is the abundance of word problems. Even many of the simple problems of addition are given a story setting. There are three interesting effects of this method.

First, it gives children an example of how the principles of math they are learning are used in the world. This is incredibly helpful, especially to young children, who often struggle to bring the abstract ideas of mathematics into terms they understand.

Real world, applied mathematics.
By providing plentiful and intriguing word problems, Ray's Arithmetic enables children to bridge the gap between abstract math and the real world.” -12 year homeschool veteran

Second, this method allows easy branching into different areas of the mathematical sciences. By allowing the child to see how math is applied to the world from the very youngest ages, it is a small step to continue to apply mathematics to the world in more complicated ways, such as geometry and accounting.

Third, and perhaps the most intriguing, giving math problems in a worded, story format allowed Joseph Ray to include educational ideas from other areas like history directly into the mathematical problems! Consider these problems taken directly from Ray's Practical Arithmetic: 24.“General Washington was born A.D. 1732, and lived 67 years: in what year did he die?” 25. “Alfred the Great died A.D. 901; thence to the signing of Magna Charta was 314 years; thence to the American Revolution, 560 years: in what year did the American Revolution begin?”


  • Is it difficult to teach the Ray's Arithmetic?”

    The Ray's Arithmetic was originally created to be used by frontier Americans, Americans that often lived in areas where available teachers were few, often far away, or even completely unavailable. For this reason the books are designed to allow children, once they can read, to educate themselves to a very great extent.
"The books are logically organized... concepts are built one upon another. This makes it very easy for students to transition to different thought processes as they mature. I have never seen another math curriculum like this." -Homeschool Mom of four

Every concept is carefully explained, and all of the subjects follow one after another in a very logical progression, so that the child is never asked to work a type of problem which has not yet been discussed. The Ray's Arithmetic is uniquely qualified for just such situations such as today's Homeschool movement.

  • Will run on any computer.
    The Ray's CD is designed to be a printing curriculum. In case of torn or damaged pages, the books are easily reprinted. This also allows for easy use over multiple children.


The entire collection of Ray's Arithmetic is now available on CD for only $59--- and your satisfaction is guaranteed. If unhappy just return within 30 day's, and we will immediately give you a full refund.

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 Yes! I would like to order the complete Ray's Arithmetic Series of 38 books on CD for only $59.00! 

Ray's Arithmetic is part of the Eclectic Education Series. The complete selection of books from this series is now available, including books on every subject; Reading, Grammar, Science, Math, History, and more. Read more about this series by clicking here. Purchase the entire series and save $56!


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“Thank you again for my order.... This is a treasure and I'm glad you are keeping it alive and sharing it.”

“By the time a student finishes the Practical Arithmetic book, he/she would be ready to get a job and understand basic financial concepts (not that I expect my 12 year old to go to work, but they could help with the family business and family finances with ease)”

Mandi Aumann










































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