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The Why Question


  One of the things that nearly every child thinks or even declares on a regular basis when told to do math is the why question. “Why do I need to learn math?” “Why is this important?” “Why do I need to learn more math?”

  Now of course this can seem like a silly question whose only purpose is to shirk responsibility or avoid work. And as adults we know just how important math can be, in our lives or in a career. But this question asked by most children is an important one to answer, even if it is asked by the student only as a front for the annoyance of having to apply themselves.

  Human beings need a sense of purpose in their lives, a destiny and a sense of accomplishment over what they have done so far. When math is presented in a unorganized manner, like that discussed in the essay How memory works; and what math programs like Saxon Math get wrong, the sense of accomplishment can be dulled a great deal because once progress is made in one area, rather than building on that, the student is immediately moved on to another different type of problem, instead of building on what they have learned by solving that problem.

  What Ray's Arithmetic does differently than other programs is to show not only actual uses for the math learned by giving numerous real world applications in the many word problems presented, thereby answering the 'why do I need math' question that many children have, but by sticking to a common problem type for multiple lessons in a row, it gives that sense of mastery, proficiency, and progression to the student that is so necessary to encourage self motivation.

A great resource for quality educational books for your homeschool is the Eclectic Education Series, a collection of books which provided Americans with some of the best educations in the world, before John Dewey and the demise of American education. Click Here to learn more.



"Thank you again for my order.... This is a treasure and I'm glad you are keeping it alive and sharing it."

“By the time a student finishes the Practical Arithmetic book, he/she would be ready to get a job and understand basic financial concepts (not that I expect my 12 year old to go to work, but they could help with the family business and family finances with ease)”
~ Mandi Aumann


Thanks for your help and support.  My children love to do Ray's Arithmetic.  I believe it makes math fun!  Of course, I love math so I am biased.



“Because of your work on the Ray’s CDs, we were able to make our decision to use Ray’s as our math curriculum. Thank you for your time that you have already put into these wonderful, rich programs. We also are using the Robinson Curriculum and are enjoying that as well. “
In Christ,
~Josh and Heather

“Excellent product! Your customer service is also Excellent! Thank You. “

"As a former math teacher at a classical and Christian school, where we used another popular modern math curriculum, we have chosen to use Ray's for the homeschooling of our four children.  Our use during the last four years has proven that Ray's Arithmetic does what a good math program should do; build mastery of mathematical skills and help students to think mathematically (not just memorizing rules or recipes for solving problems).  It does this through focused incremental practice of skills and a variety of practical word problems.  I give it my highest recommendation."

Robert (& Elisabeth) Terry

I bought Sherry Hayes ebook recently and just loved all the practical advice on how to use these materials.  It has given me the confidence to use the entire curriculum.  What a wonderful resource!


"We love the Ray's Arithmetic series  because it provides such a great value!  With heavy use of word problems and "real world" math, and progressing logically from concrete to abstract, this series coversK-8th grades for less than what most programs cost for a single grade."
~Rachel Ramey, homeschooling mother of 3, and more to come!  
"Over the last 23 years of actual homeschooling experience I have tried just about every curriculum and method available, from textbooks to unit studies to Charlotte Mason to the unschooling methodology…. Today, not only the McGuffey Readers Series, but just about every primary subject in our homeschooling is based on or benefited by these dear old volumes and the time-honored practices they promote."
 ~ Sherry Hayes, homeschool mother of 15 children.
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